Sunday, December 28, 2008

Shipping and Forwarding Terminologies

Common Terminologies/Words Used in Shipping, Forwarding and Incoterms
SIShipping Intruction
B/LBil of Lading
CYContainer Yard
FCLFull Container Load
LCLLess than a Container Load
CFSContainer Freight Station
TEUTwenty Foot Equivalent Units
FEUForty Foot Equivalent Units
DOOR TO DOORmeans Shipper's door to Consignee's Door
HOUSE TO HOUSEsame as Door to Door term
I.C.D.Interior Container Depot
M.L.B.Mini Land Bridge (For USA Services). Moving cargo from any West Coast port to any East Coast port by means of rail or by truck. E.g. From Los Angelest to New York.
Reverse MLB: For west bound shipment, cargo from the east coast, e.g. NYC, is railed to a west coast port e.g. SFO, for shipment out to far east/S.E.A
MICRO-BRIDGE(For USA Services). Moving cargo from a port to point by carrier, e.g. Los Angeles to Atlanta
IPIInterior Point Intermodal
Reverse IPI: Crago from inland point is being drayed to a east coast port for shipment
OCPOverland Container Point
SHORTLANDED CARGOCargo that was for discharge was not discharged
SHORTSHIPPEDCargo meant for shipment but which was not shipped
OVERLANDED CARGOCargo not meant for discharged but was discharged
SHUT OUTCargo intended for loading but intentionally was not loaded
DEMURRAGEThese are charges which are incurred when a loaded container with cargo, or cargo devanned from a container is held at carrier's discharge port CY or CFS at destination point or CFS beyond the permitted time as stipulated in the tariff rule for that particular Port/Point CY/CFS
DETENTIONThase are charges incurred when a shipper or consignee who holds the container at his premises and do not return the loaded/empty container to the carrier CY within the permitted free time as stipulated in the tariff
STUFFINGMeans the Physical placing of cargo into a container
UNSTUFFINGAnother term used: Devanning. It mean the Physical removal of cargo from a container
REVENUE TON (R/T)Means 1000kgs or one cubic meter on which freight is assessed
DDCDestination Delivery Charge (For USA East Bound Cargo)
TRCTerminal Receiving Charge (For USA Weast Bound Cargo)
FOBFree On Board: Consignee has control of routing
CIFCost, Insurance, Freight: The Shipper has control of routing
CNFCost and Freight: The Shipper has control of routing without Insurance
BAFBunker Adjustment Factor
CAFCurrency Adjustment Factor
THCTerminal Handling Charge
SOCShipper Own Container
COCCarrier Own Container
NVOCCNon Vessel Owning Common Carrier
POLPort Of Loading
PODPort Of Discharge
ETAEstimated Time of Arrival
ETDEstimated Time of Departure
FIOSFree In and Out Stowed: means all cost for loading and discharging is under cargo's owner responsibility
FIOSTFree In, Out, Stowed and Trimmed
FILOFree In Liners Out
D.D.PDelivery Duty Paid, means all the charges incurred at destination e.g. Custums Clearance and duty tax is under Sipper/Seller responsibility
D.D.UDelivery Duty Unpaid, means all the charges incurred at destination e.g. Custums Clearance and duty tax is under Consignee/Buyer responsibility
E.X.WEX Work, means all charges incurred from shipper's warehouse at loading port until consignee's warehouse at destination is under Consignee/Buyer responsibility

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Containers Specification

Vessel is the transport by sea and using for distribution of trade in the country and abroad such as export and import, one of the ships are container vessel, where the ship is to carry container specially, where the container is one type of packaging to send goods through sea that is safe and easy.

Container made from the metal and usually provided by ship owner transport services or shipping lines as carrier for used to do when their customers/Shipper will send the goods by container vessel, but some time container provide by Shipper self due they have own container or leasing. Much of containers types and sizes (based on the standardization of international shipping association) can be use with following the type of goods will be sent. The type of containers such as dry container (General Purpose), Reefer, Flat Rack, Fantainer, Open Top, Tank, etc. Whereas type of size are 20 feet, 40 feet, 45 feet, with height standard or height cubic.

Below are the containers type and size list based on the standardization of international shipping association

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Seaport Code (AU - AZ)

SEAPORT CODES AS IATA 2002 Listed by country and code

COUNTRY CODE Name Name W/O diacritics
AU ABP - Abbot Point Abbot Point
AU ABG - Abingdon Abingdon
AU ADL - Adelaide Adelaide
AU ADA - Adelaide apt Adelaide apt
AU AGW - Agnew Agnew
AU WSY - Airlie Beach Airlie Beach
AU ALH - Albany Albany
AU ABX - Albury Albury
AU AXL - Alexandria Alexandria
AU ASP - Alice Springs Alice Springs
AU ABH - Alpha Alpha
AU AYD - Alroy Downs Alroy Downs
AU AWN - Alton Downs Alton Downs
AU ALT - Altona Altona
AU AMT - Amata Amata
AU ABL - Amberley Amberley
AU RCN - American River American River
AU AMX - Ammaroo Ammaroo
AU ADO - Andamooka Andamooka
AU ANZ - Angus Downs Angus Downs
AU AYL - Anthony Lagoon Anthony Lagoon
AU AXC - Aramac Aramac
AU ARY - Ararat Ararat
AU ARD - Ardrossan Ardrossan
AU GYL - Argyle Argyle
AU AGY - Argyle Downs Argyle Downs
AU ARM - Armidale Armidale
AU AAB - Arrabury Arrabury
AU ASC - Ashgrove/Brisbane Ashgrove/Brisbane
AU AUD - Augustus Downs Augustus Downs
AU RSE - Au-Rose Bay Au-Rose Bay
AU AUU - Aurukun Mission Aurukun Mission
AU AWP - Austral Downs Austral Downs
AU AVG - Auvergne Auvergne
AU AVV - Avalon Avalon
AU AYQ - Ayers Rock Ayers Rock
AU AYR - Ayr Ayr
AU BDD - Badu Island Badu Island
AU BSJ - Bairnsdale Bairnsdale
AU BAK - Bakers Creek Bakers Creek
AU LCN - Balcanoona Balcanoona
AU BQW - Balgo Hills Balgo Hills
AU BQA - Ballarat Ballarat
AU BAH - Ballast Head Ballast Head
AU BNK - Ballina Ballina
AU BZD - Balranald Balranald
AU ABM - Bamaga Bamaga
AU BYX - Baniyala Baniyala
AU BWU - Bankstown Bankstown
AU BCI - Barcaldine Barcaldine
AU BKP - Barkly Downs Barkly Downs
AU BWB - Barrow Island Barrow Island
AU BVW - Batavia Downs Batavia Downs
AU BHS - Bathurst Bathurst
AU BRT - Bathurst Island Bathurst Island
AU BCH - Beachport Beachport
AU BEE - Beagle Bay Beagle Bay
AU BDS - Beaudesert Beaudesert
AU BYP - Beauty Point Beauty Point
AU BDW - Bedford Downs Bedford Downs
AU BEU - Bedourie Bedourie
AU BEL - Bell Bay Bell Bay
AU BEO - Belmont Belmont
AU BLN - Benalla Benalla
AU BDG - Bendigo Bendigo
AU BER - Berri Berri
AU BTX - Betoota Betoota
AU BVZ - Beverley Springs Beverley Springs
AU BCZ - Bickerton Island Bickerton Island
AU BBE - Big Bell Big Bell
AU BIW - Billiluna Billiluna
AU BLO - Biloela Biloela
AU BBG - Bing Bong Bing Bong
AU BVI - Birdsville Birdsville
AU BZP - Bizant Bizant
AU BKQ - Blackall Blackall
AU BLT - Blackwater Blackwater
AU BFC - Bloomfield Bloomfield
AU GIC - Boigu Island Boigu Island
AU BLS - Bollon Bollon
AU BCK - Bolwarra Bolwarra
AU BOX - Borroloola Borroloola
AU BTB - Botany Bay Botany Bay
AU BQL - Boulia Boulia
AU BRK - Bourke Bourke
AU ZBO - Bowen Bowen
AU BMP - Brampton Brampton
AU BWQ - Brewarrina Brewarrina
AU BRJ - Bright Bright
AU BHT - Brighton Downs Brighton Downs
AU BNE - Brisbane Brisbane
AU BRA - Brisbane apt Brisbane apt
AU ASC - Brisbane-Ashgrove Brisbane-Ashgrove
AU SBY - Brisbane-Salisbury Brisbane-Salisbury
AU BMW - Broadmeadows Broadmeadows
AU BHQ - Broken Hill Broken Hill
AU BME - Broome Broome
AU BTD - Brunette Downs Brunette Downs
AU BIP - Bulimba Bulimba
AU BUY - Bunbury Bunbury
AU BDB - Bundaberg Bundaberg
AU BND - Bundall Bundall
AU BLW - Bungalow Bungalow
AU BUC - Burketown Burketown
AU BWT - Burnie Burnie
AU BUS - Busselton Busselton
AU CGV - Caiguna Caiguna
AU CNS - Cairns Cairns
AU CUD - Caloundra Caloundra
AU CAL - Caloundra Head Caloundra Head
AU CDU - Camden Camden
AU CFI - Camfield Camfield
AU CML - Camooweal Camooweal
AU CFL - Campbellfield Campbellfield
AU CBN - Campbelltown Campbelltown
AU CBR - Canberra Canberra
AU CNN - Canning Vale/Perth Canning Vale/Perth
AU CBY - Canobie Canobie
AU CBI - Cape Barren Island Cape Barren Island
AU CCU - Cape Cuvier Cape Cuvier
AU CQP - Cape Flattery Cape Flattery
AU CLT - Cape Lambert Cape Lambert
AU CLN - Cape Leeuwin Cape Leeuwin
AU CPN - Cape Preston Cape Preston
AU CRY - Carlton Hill Carlton Hill
AU CVQ - Carnarvon Carnarvon
AU CFP - Carpentaria Downs Carpentaria Downs
AU CSI - Casino Casino
AU CHB - Catherine Hill Bay Catherine Hill Bay
AU CTR - Cattle Creek Cattle Creek
AU CED - Ceduna Ceduna
AU CES - Cessnock Cessnock
AU CHD - Chadstone/Melbourne Chadstone/Melbourne
AU CHV - Challis Venture (oil terminal) Challis Venture (oil terminal)
AU CTL - Charleville Charleville
AU CXT - Charters Towers Charters Towers
AU CHA - Chatswood Chatswood
AU CHL - Cheltenham/Melbourne Cheltenham/Melbourne
AU CBC - Cherrabun Cherrabun
AU CRH - Cherribah Cherribah
AU LLG - Chillagoe Chillagoe
AU CCL - Chinchilla Chinchilla
AU CXQ - Christmas Creek Christmas Creek
AU CLR - Clarence River Clarence River
AU CLY - Clayton/Melbourne Clayton/Melbourne
AU CMQ - Clermont Clermont
AU CVC - Cleve Cleve
AU CFH - Clifton Hills Clifton Hills
AU CNJ - Cloncurry Cloncurry
AU CZY - Cluny Cluny
AU CAZ - Cobar Cobar
AU CNC - Coconut Island Coconut Island
AU CUQ - Coen Coen
AU CFS - Coffs Harbour Coffs Harbour
AU XCO - Colac Colac
AU CLL - Collan Islands Collan Islands
AU CRB - Collarenebri Collarenebri
AU CIE - Collie Collie
AU KCE - Collinsville Collinsville
AU CBX - Condobolin Condobolin
AU CPD - Coober Pedy Coober Pedy
AU CDA - Cooinda Cooinda
AU CTN - Cooktown Cooktown
AU CLH - Coolah Coolah
AU OOL - Coolangatta apt/Gold Coast Coolangatta apt/Gold Coast
AU COY - Coolawanyah Coolawanyah
AU COB - Coolibah Coolibah
AU COM - Cooma Cooma
AU COJ - Coonabarabran Coonabarabran
AU CNB - Coonamble Coonamble
AU CPS - Coopers Plains Coopers Plains
AU CRJ - Coorabie Coorabie
AU CMD - Cootamundra Cootamundra
AU ODL - Cordillo Downs Cordillo Downs
AU COB - Corio Bay Corio Bay
AU CWW - Corowa Corowa
AU CYG - Corryong Corryong
AU COP - Cossack Pioneer (oil terminal) Cossack Pioneer (oil terminal)
AU CWR - Cowarie Cowarie
AU CCW - Cowell Cowell
AU CWT - Cowra Cowra
AU CSD - Cresswell Downs Cresswell Downs
AU CKI - Croker Island Croker Island
AU CDQ - Croydon Croydon
AU CUG - Cudal Cudal
AU CUY - Cue Cue
AU CMA - Cunnamulla Cunnamulla
AU DHL - Daisy Hill Daisy Hill
AU DBY - Dalby Dalby
AU DVR - Daly River Daly River
AU DYW - Daly Waters Daly Waters
AU DAM - Dampier Dampier
AU DND - Dandenong Dandenong
AU NLF - Darnley Island Darnley Island
AU DAA - Darra Darra
AU DRW - Darwin Darwin
AU DAJ - Dauan Island Dauan Island
AU DVP - Davenport Downs Davenport Downs
AU DDI - Daydream Is Daydream Is
AU DLV - Delissaville Delissaville
AU DDN -Delta Downs Delta Downs
AU DNM - Denham Denham
AU DNQ - Deniliquin Deniliquin
AU DRB - Derby Derby
AU DPO - Devonport Devonport
AU DYM - Diamantina Lakes Diamantina Lakes
AU DRN - Dirranbandi Dirranbandi
AU DXD - Dixie Dixie
AU DKV - Docker River Docker River
AU DOX - Dongara Dongara
AU DMD - Doomadgee Doomadgee
AU DRD - Dorunda Station Dorunda Station
AU DFP - Drumduff Drumduff
AU DBO - Dubbo Dubbo
AU DLK - Dulkaninna Dulkaninna
AU DNB - Dunbar Dunbar
AU DKI - Dunk Island Dunk Island
AU DHD - Durham Downs Durham Downs
AU DRR - Durrie Durrie
AU DYA - Dysart Dysart
AU ECH - Echuca Echuca
AU QDN - Eden Eden
AU EBH - Edinburgh Edinburgh
AU EDB - Edithburgh Edithburgh
AU EDR - Edward River Edward River
AU EIH - Einasleigh Einasleigh
AU ELC - Elcho Island Elcho Island
AU ELE - Electrona Electrona
AU EKD - Elkedra Elkedra
AU EMD - Emerald Emerald
AU ENB - Eneabba West Eneabba West
AU EDD - Erldunda Erldunda
AU ERB - Ernabella Ernabella
AU EPR - Esperance Esperance
AU MEB - Essendon Apt/Melbourne Essendon Apt/Melbourne
AU ETD - Etadunna Etadunna
AU EUC - Eucla Eucla
AU EVD - Eva Downs Eva Downs
AU EVH - Evans Head Evans Head
AU PEX - Exmouth Exmouth
AU EXM - Exmouth Gulf Exmouth Gulf
AU FBN - Fairbarn Fairbarn
AU FLC - Falls Creek Falls Creek
AU FIK - Finke Finke
AU FLY - Finley Finley
AU FIS - Fisherman Islands Fisherman Islands
AU FLS - Flinders Island Flinders Island
AU FRB - Forbes Forbes
AU FOS - Forrest Forrest
AU FOT - Forster Forster
AU FSL - Fossil Downs Fossil Downs
AU FRE - Fremantle Fremantle
AU GBP - Gamboola Gamboola
AU GPN - Garden Point Garden Point
AU GSC - Gascoyne Junction Gascoyne Junction
AU GAH - Gayndah Gayndah
AU GEX - Geelong Geelong
AU GEE - George Town George Town
AU GTT - Georgetown Georgetown
AU GET - Geraldton Geraldton
AU GBV - Gibb River Gibb River
AU GLT - Gladstone Gladstone
AU GLL - Glebe Island Glebe Island
AU GLI - Glen Innes Glen Innes
AU GLG - Glengyle Glengyle
AU GLM - Glenormiston Glenormiston
AU OOL - Gold Coast Gold Coast
AU OOL - Gold Coast-Coolangatta apt Gold Coast-Coolangatta apt
AU GLY - Goldsworthy Goldsworthy
AU GOI - Goode Is Goode Is
AU GOO - Goondiwindi Goondiwindi
AU GDD - Gordon Downs Gordon Downs
AU GOS - Gosford Gosford
AU GUL - Goulburn Goulburn
AU GBL - Goulburn Island Goulburn Island
AU GOV - Gove Gove
AU GFN - Grafton Grafton
AU GTS - Granites Granites
AU GKL - Great Keppel Island Great Keppel Island
AU GRH - Greenhead Greenhead
AU GVP - Greenvale Greenvale
AU GGD - Gregory Downs Gregory Downs
AU GFE - Grenfell Grenfell
AU GRV - Griffin Venture (oil terminal) Griffin Venture (oil terminal)
AU GFF - Griffith Griffith
AU GTE - Groote Eylandt Groote Eylandt
AU GDF - Guildford Guildford
AU GUH - Gunnedah Gunnedah
AU GYP - Gympie Gympie
AU HCQ - Halls Creek Halls Creek
AU HLT - Hamilton Hamilton
AU HTI - Hamilton Island Hamilton Island
AU HAP - Happy Bay Happy Bay
AU HYI - Hardy Island Hardy Island
AU HAS - Hastings Hastings
AU HWK - Hawker Hawker
AU HXX - Hay Hay
AU HIS - Hayman Island Hayman Island
AU HPT - Haypoint Haypoint
AU HIP - Headingly Headingly
AU HAT - Heathlands Heathlands
AU HLV - Helenvale Helenvale
AU HRY - Henbury Henbury
AU HMG - Hermannsburg Hermannsburg
AU HRN - Heron Island Heron Island
AU HVB - Hervey Bay Hervey Bay
AU HIG - Highbury Highbury
AU HLL - Hillside Hillside
AU HNK - Hinchinbrooke Island Hinchinbrooke Island
AU HBA - Hobart Hobart
AU HBS - Homebush/Sidney Homebush/Sidney
AU HIH - Hook Island Hook Island
AU HOK - Hooker Creek Hooker Creek
AU HOT - Hope Tun Hope Tun
AU HPE - Hope Vale Hope Vale
AU HTU - Hopetoun Hopetoun
AU HID - Horn Island Horn Island
AU HSM - Horsham Horsham
AU HGD - Hughenden Hughenden
AU HUB - Humbert River Humbert River
AU IFF - Iffley Iffley
AU IDK - Indulkana Indulkana
AU IGH - Ingham Ingham
AU INJ - Injune Injune
AU IKP - Inkerman Inkerman
AU INM - Innamincka Innamincka
AU IFL - Innisfail Innisfail
AU IVR - Inverell Inverell
AU IVW - Inverway Inverway
AU IPS - Ipswich Ipswich
AU ISI - Isisford Isisford
AU JAB - Jabiru Jabiru
AU JOV - Jabiru Venture (oil terminal) Jabiru Venture (oil terminal)
AU JAD - Jandakot Jandakot
AU JCK - Julia Creek Julia Creek
AU JUN - Jundah Jundah
AU JUR - Jurien Bay Jurien Bay
AU KAX - Kalbarri Kalbarri
AU KGI - Kalgoorlie Kalgoorlie
AU KFG - Kalkurung Kalkurung
AU KPP - Kalpowar Kalpowar
AU UBU - Kalumburu Kalumburu
AU KDS - Kamaran Downs Kamaran Downs
AU KDB - Kambalda Kambalda
AU KML - Kamileroi Kamileroi
AU KTA - Karratha Karratha
AU KRB - Karumba Karumba
AU KNI - Katanning Katanning
AU KTR - Katherine Katherine
AU KPS - Kempsey Kempsey
AU KRA - Kerang Kerang
AU KBD - Kimberley Downs Kimberley Downs
AU KIB - King Bay King Bay
AU KNS - King Is King Is
AU KGY - Kingaroy Kingaroy
AU KBJ - Kings Canyon Kings Canyon
AU KCS - Kings Creek Station Kings Creek Station
AU KGC - Kingscote Kingscote
AU KIT - Kingston Kingston
AU KBB - Kirkimbie Kirkimbie
AU KLP - Klein Point Klein Point
AU KOI - Koolan Island Koolan Island
AU KOH - Koolatah Koolatah
AU KKP - Koolburra Koolburra
AU KQB - Koonibba Koonibba
AU KWM - Kowanyama Kowanyama
AU KUG - Kubin Island Kubin Island
AU KGR - Kulgera Kulgera
AU KNX - Kununurra Kununurra
AU KUR - Kurnell Kurnell
AU KRD - Kurundi Kurundi
AU KWI - Kwinana Kwinana
AU LAB - Lady Barron Lady Barron
AU LYT - Lady Elliot Island Lady Elliot Island
AU LEL - Lake Evella Lake Evella
AU LNH - Lake Nash Lake Nash
AU LFP - Lakefield Lakefield
AU LKD - Lakeland Downs Lakeland Downs
AU LDW - Lansdowne Lansdowne
AU LTB - Latrobe Latrobe
AU LST - Launceston Launceston
AU LUU - Laura Laura
AU LUT - Laura Station Laura Station
AU LVO - Laverton Laverton
AU LWH - Lawn Hill Lawn Hill
AU LEA - Learmonth Learmonth
AU LGH - Leigh Creek Leigh Creek
AU LER - Leinster Leinster
AU LNO - Leonora Leonora
AU LHG - Lightning Ridge Lightning Ridge
AU LIB - Limbunya Limbunya
AU LLP - Linda Downs Linda Downs
AU LDC - Lindeman Island Lindeman Island
AU LSY - Lismore Lismore
AU LLL - Lissadell Lissadell
AU LIV - Liverpool Liverpool
AU LZR - Lizard Island Lizard Island
AU LOC - Lock Lock
AU IRG - Lockhart River Lockhart River
AU HAP - Long Island Long Island
AU LGF - Longford Longford
AU LRE - Longreach Longreach
AU LDH - Lord Howe Is Lord Howe Is
AU LOA - Lorraine Lorraine
AU LTV - Lotusvale Lotusvale
AU LUC - Lucinda Lucinda
AU LUN - Lurnea/Sidney Lurnea/Sidney
AU LTP - Lyndhurst Lyndhurst
AU UBB - Mabuiag Island Mabuiag Island
AU MNW - Macdonald Downs Macdonald Downs
AU MKY - Mackay Mackay
AU MVH - Macksville Macksville
AU MHC - Macmahon Camp 4 Macmahon Camp 4
AU MIZ - Mainoru Mainoru
AU MTL - Maitland Maitland
AU XMC - Mallacoota Mallacoota
AU MQA - Mandora Mandora
AU MNG - Maningrida Maningrida
AU MJP - Manjimup Manjimup
AU MFP - Manners Creek Manners Creek
AU MBB - Marble Bar Marble Bar
AU MRG - Mareeba Mareeba
AU MGV - Margaret River Station Margaret River Station
AU MXD - Marion Downs Marion Downs
AU MRP - Marla Marla
AU MCY - Maroochydore apt/Sunshine Coast Maroochydore apt/Sunshine Coast
AU MQE - Marqua Marqua
AU RRE - Marree Marree
AU MBH - Maryborough Maryborough
AU MYF - Mayfield Mayfield
AU MCV - Mcarthur River Mcarthur River
AU MKR - Meekatharra Meekatharra
AU MEL - Melbourne Melbourne
AU KAH - Melbourne City Heliport Melbourne City Heliport
AU CHD - Melbourne-Chadstone Melbourne-Chadstone
AU CHL - Melbourne-Cheltenham Melbourne-Cheltenham
AU CLY - Melbourne-Clayton Melbourne-Clayton
AU MEB - Melbourne-Essendon Apt Melbourne-Essendon Apt
AU YRV - Melbourne-Yarraville Melbourne-Yarraville
AU MRS - Melrose Melrose
AU MIM - Merimbula Merimbula
AU MDA - Merinda Merinda
AU MLV - Merluna Merluna
AU RTY - Merty Merty
AU MMM - Middlemount Middlemount
AU MQL - Mildura Mildura
AU MGT - Milingimbi Milingimbi
AU MLR - Millicent Millicent
AU MIB - Milner Bay Milner Bay
AU MRL - Miners Lake Miners Lake
AU XML - Minlaton Minlaton
AU MIN - Minnipa Minnipa
AU MWY - Miranda Downs Miranda Downs
AU MTQ - Mitchell Mitchell
AU MIH - Mitchell Plateau Mitchell Plateau
AU MXQ - Mitchell River Mitchell River
AU MIY - Mittiebah Mittiebah
AU MJK - Monkey Mia Monkey Mia
AU ONR - Monkira Monkira
AU MNQ - Monto Monto
AU MWT - Moolawatana Moolawatana
AU MOO - Moomba Moomba
AU MBW - Moorabbin Moorabbin
AU OOR - Mooraberree Mooraberree
AU MRB - Moorebank/Sidney Moorebank/Sidney
AU MOV - Moranbah Moranbah
AU MWB - Morawa Morawa
AU MRZ - Moree Moree
AU MET - Moreton Moreton
AU OXY - Morney Morney
AU ONG - Mornington Mornington
AU MRT - Moroak Moroak
AU MYA - Moruya Moruya
AU MBF - Mount Buffalo Mount Buffalo
AU MFL - Mount Full Stop Mount Full Stop
AU MGB - Mount Gambier Mount Gambier
AU GSN - Mount Gunson Mount Gunson
AU MHU - Mount Hotham Mount Hotham
AU MHO - Mount House Mount House
AU ISA - Mount Isa Mount Isa
AU WME - Mount Keith Mount Keith
AU MMG - Mount Magnet Mount Magnet
AU MSF - Mount Swan Mount Swan
AU MNV - Mountain Valley Mountain Valley
AU MOU - Mourilyan Mourilyan
AU MBN - Mt Barnett Mt Barnett
AU MKV - Mt Cavenagh Mt Cavenagh
AU MTD - Mt Sandford Mt Sandford
AU MUQ - Muccan Muccan
AU DGE - Mudgee Mudgee
AU MUP - Mulga Park Mulga Park
AU MVK - Mulka Mulka
AU MXU - Mullewa Mullewa
AU MNE - Mungeranie Mungeranie
AU MYI - Murray Island Murray Island
AU MVU - Musgrave Musgrave
AU UTB - Muttaburra Muttaburra
AU MYO - Myroodah Myroodah
AU NBR - Nambour Nambour
AU NBH - Nambucca Heads Nambucca Heads
AU NMR - Nappa Merry Nappa Merry
AU NPP - Napperby Napperby
AU NAC - Naracoorte Naracoorte
AU NAA - Narrabri Narrabri
AU NAR - Narracoopa Narracoopa
AU NRA - Narrandera Narrandera
AU NRG - Narrogin Narrogin
AU NMP - New Moon New Moon
AU NTL - Newcastle Newcastle
AU NWM - Newman Newman
AU NRY - Newry Newry
AU NSD - Newstead Newstead
AU RPM - Ngukurr Ngukurr
AU NLS - Nicholson Nicholson
AU NIF - Nifty Nifty
AU NKB - Noonkanbah Noonkanbah
AU NSA - Noosa Noosa
AU NSV - Noosaville Noosaville
AU NTN - Normanton Normanton
AU NSM - Norseman Norseman
AU NOA - Nowra Nowra
AU NLL - Nullagine Nullagine
AU NUR - Nullarbor Nullarbor
AU NUB - Numbulwar Numbulwar
AU NOO - Nuriootpa Nuriootpa
AU UTD - Nutwood Downs Nutwood Downs
AU NYN - Nyngan Nyngan
AU OKY - Oakey Oakey
AU OBA - Oban Oban
AU OPI - Oenpelli Oenpelli
AU OLP - Olympic Dam Olympic Dam
AU ONS - Onslow Onslow
AU ODD - Oodnadatta Oodnadatta
AU OAG - Orange Orange
AU RBS - Orbost Orbost
AU OKB - Orchid Beach Orchid Beach
AU ODR - Ord River Ord River
AU OXO - Orientos Orientos
AU ORS - Orpheus Island Resort Orpheus Island Resort
AU OSB - Osborne Island Osborne Island
AU OYN - Ouyen Ouyen
AU PMK - Palm Island Palm Island
AU PDE - Pandie Pandie Pandie Pandie
AU PBO - Paraburdoo Paraburdoo
AU PRD - Pardoo Pardoo
AU PKE - Parkes Parkes
AU PDN - Parndana Parndana
AU PRM - Parramatta Parramatta
AU PCE - Pearce Pearce
AU PEL - Pelican Point Pelican Point
AU PEA - Penneshaw Penneshaw
AU PEY - Penong Penong
AU PEP - Peppimenarti Peppimenarti
AU PER - Perth Perth
AU CNN - Perth-Canning Vale Perth-Canning Vale
AU PSM - Point Samson Point Samson
AU PWI - Point Wilson Point Wilson
AU PAE - Port Adelaide Port Adelaide
AU PTL - Port Alma Port Alma
AU PAU - Port Arthur Port Arthur
AU PUG - Port Augusta Port Augusta
AU PBY - Port Bonython Port Bonython
AU PBT - Port Botany Port Botany
AU PCT - Port Curtis Port Curtis
AU PTD - Port Dalrymple Port Dalrymple
AU PTI - Port Douglas Port Douglas
AU PGI - Port Giles Port Giles
AU PHE - Port Hedland Port Hedland
AU PHJ - Port Hunter Port Hunter
AU PHU - Port Huon Port Huon
AU PJK - Port Jackson Port Jackson
AU PKT - Port Keats Port Keats
AU PKL - Port Kembla Port Kembla
AU PLA - Port Latta Port Latta
AU PLO - Port Lincoln Port Lincoln
AU PQQ - Port Macquarie Port Macquarie
AU PPI - Port Pirie Port Pirie
AU PSY - Port Stanley Port Stanley
AU PST - Port Stanvac Port Stanvac
AU PTE - Port Stephens Port Stephens
AU PWL - Port Walcott Port Walcott
AU PWR - Port Warrender Port Warrender
AU PTJ - Portland Portland
AU PRC - Price Price
AU PRB - Proper Bay Proper Bay
AU PPP - Proserpine Proserpine
AU UEE - Queenstown Queenstown
AU ULP - Quilpie Quilpie
AU UIR - Quirindi Quirindi
AU RAM - Ramingining Ramingining
AU RAB - Rapid Bay Rapid Bay
AU RCE - Redcliffe Redcliffe
AU RMK - Renmark Renmark
AU RCH - Richmond Richmond
AU RCM - Richmond Richmond
AU RDN - Risdon Risdon
AU ROH - Robinhood Robinhood
AU RRV - Robinson River Robinson River
AU RBC - Robinvale Robinvale
AU ROK - Rockhampton Rockhampton
AU RDA - Rockhampton Downs Rockhampton Downs
AU RBU - Roebourne Roebourne
AU RKY - Rokeby Rokeby
AU RMA - Roma Roma
AU RPB - Roper Bar Roper Bar
AU RPV - Roper Valley Roper Valley
AU RSB - Roseberth Roseberth
AU RBY - Rosebery/Sydney Rosebery/Sydney
AU RLP - Rosella Plains Rosella Plains
AU RTS - Rottnest Island Rottnest Island
AU RHL - Roy Hill Roy Hill
AU RTP - Rutland Plains Rutland Plains
AU SBR - Saibai Island Saibai Island
AU SMT - Saladin Marine Terminal Saladin Marine Terminal
AU SXE - Sale Sale
AU SBY - Salisbury/Brisbane Salisbury/Brisbane
AU SRM - Sandringham Sandringham
AU NDS - Sandstone Sandstone
AU NSO - Scone Scone
AU SHB - Shark Bay Shark Bay
AU SWB - Shaw River Shaw River
AU SGP - Shay Gap Shay Gap
AU SHT - Shepparton Shepparton
AU JHQ - Shute Harbour Shute Harbour
AU HBS - Sidney-Homebush Sidney-Homebush
AU LUN - Sidney-Lurnea Sidney-Lurnea
AU MRB - Sidney-Moorebank Sidney-Moorebank
AU SSP - Silver Plains Silver Plains
AU SIX - Singleton Singleton
AU SKV - Skua Venture (oil terminal) Skua Venture (oil terminal)
AU SHU - Smith Point Smith Point
AU SIO - Smithton Smithton
AU SNB - Snake Bay Snake Bay
AU ZGL - South Galway South Galway
AU SOI - South Molle Island South Molle Island
AU SWR - South West Rocks South West Rocks
AU SQC - Southern Cross Southern Cross
AU SHQ - Southport Southport
AU SPB - Spring Bay Spring Bay
AU SCG - Spring Creek Spring Creek
AU KSV - Springvale Springvale
AU ZVG - Springvale Springvale
AU SGO - St George St George
AU HLS - St Helens St Helens
AU SVM - St Paul's Mission St Paul's Mission
AU STA - Stanley Stanley
AU SNH - Stanthorpe Stanthorpe
AU SQP - Starcke Starcke
AU SWC - Stawell Stawell
AU STF - Stephen Island Stephen Island
AU SRR - Stradbroke Island Stradbroke Island
AU SRN - Strahan Strahan
AU STH - Strathmore Strathmore
AU KBY - Streaky Bay Streaky Bay
AU SSK - Sturt Creek Sturt Creek
AU SYU - Sue Island Sue Island
AU MCY - Sunshine Coast Sunshine Coast
AU SFP - Surfers Paradise Surfers Paradise
AU SWH - Swan Hill Swan Hill
AU SYD - Sydney Sydney
AU RBY - Sydney-Rosebery Sydney-Rosebery
AU TBL - Tableland Tableland
AU TMW - Tamworth Tamworth
AU TXR - Tanbar Tanbar
AU TAN - Tangalooma Tangalooma
AU XTR - Tara Tara
AU TAQ - Tarcoola Tarcoola
AU TRO - Taree Taree
AU XTO - Taroom Taroom
AU TEF - Telfer Telfer
AU TEM - Temora Temora
AU TCA - Tennant Creek Tennant Creek
AU TWN - Tewantin Tewantin
AU THG - Thangool Thangool
AU XTG - Thargomindah Thargomindah
AU TDR - Theodore Theodore
AU THE - Thevenard Thevenard
AU TIS - Thursday Island Thursday Island
AU TYG - Thylungra Thylungra
AU TYB - Tibooburra Tibooburra
AU TBK - Timber Creek Timber Creek
AU TPT - Timber Point Timber Point
AU TIN - Tindal Tindal
AU TYP - Tobermorey Tobermorey
AU TCW - Tocumwal Tocumwal
AU TPR - Tom Price Tom Price
AU TWB - Toowoomba Toowoomba
AU TWP - Torwood Torwood
AU TOB - Towford Bay Towford Bay
AU TSV - Townsville Townsville
AU TGN - Traralgon Traralgon
AU TRB - Trial Bay Trial Bay
AU TME - Tullamarine Tullamarine
AU TUM - Tumut Tumut
AU TKY - Turkey Creek Turkey Creek
AU ULA - Ulladulla Ulladulla
AU ULV - Ulverstone Ulverstone
AU UDA - Undarra Undarra
AU URN - Urangan Urangan
AU USL - Useless Loop Useless Loop
AU VNR - Vanrook Vanrook
AU VAR - Varanus Island Varanus Island
AU VCD - Victoria River Downs Victoria River Downs
AU WCL - Wacol Wacol
AU WGA - Wagga Wagga Wagga Wagga
AU WLC - Walcha Walcha
AU WGE - Walgett Walgett
AU WLA - Wallal Wallal
AU WLG - Wallangarra Wallangarra
AU WAL - Wallaroo Wallaroo
AU WLS - Wallis Wallis
AU WGT - Wangaratta Wangaratta
AU WKB - Warracknabeal Warracknabeal
AU WRW - Warrawagine Warrawagine
AU WMB - Warrnambool Warrnambool
AU WAZ - Warwick Warwick
AU WLO - Waterloo Waterloo
AU WAU - Wauchope Wauchope
AU WAV - Wave Hill Wave Hill
AU WAN - Waverney Waverney
AU WEW - Wee Waa Wee Waa
AU WEI - Weipa Weipa
AU WHL - Welshpool Welshpool
AU WWY - West Wyalong West Wyalong
AU WEP - Westernport Westernport
AU WEH - Wetherhill Wetherhill
AU WYA - Whyalla Whyalla
AU WIO - Wilcannia Wilcannia
AU WLM - Williamtown Williamtown
AU WBY - Willoughby Willoughby
AU WUN - Wiluna Wiluna
AU WND - Windarra Windarra
AU WNR - Windorah Windorah
AU WIN - Winton Winton
AU WIT - Wittendom Wittendom
AU WOD - Wodonga Wodonga
AU WLL - Wollogorang Wollogorang
AU WOL - Wollongong Wollongong
AU WDI - Wondai Wondai
AU WON - Wondoola Wondoola
AU WOT - Wonthaggi Wonthaggi
AU WOG - Woodgreen Woodgreen
AU WWI - Woodie Woodie Woodie Woodie
AU UMR - Woomera Woomera
AU WPK - Wrotham Park Wrotham Park
AU WUD - Wudinna Wudinna
AU WYN - Wyndham Wyndham
AU WNY - Wynyard Wynyard
AU KYI - Yalata Mission Yalata Mission
AU YLG - Yalgoo Yalgoo
AU XMY - Yam Island Yam Island
AU YBA - Yamba Yamba
AU YAM - Yampi Yampi
AU KYB - Yangoonabie Yangoonabie
AU YRV - Yarraville/Melbourne Yarraville/Melbourne
AU KYF - Yeelirrie Yeelirrie
AU OKR - Yorke Island Yorke Island
AU ORR - Yorketown Yorketown
AU NGA - Young Young
AU YUE - Yuendumu Yuendumu

AW AUA - Aruba Aruba
AW BAR - Barcadera Barcadera
AW BUS - Bushiribana Bushiribana
AW DEU - Druif Druif
AW ORJ - Oranjestad Oranjestad
AW SNL - Sint Nicolaas Sint Nicolaas

AZ BAK - Baku Baku
AZ DJU - Djulfa Djulfa
AZ KVD - Gyandzha Gyandzha
AZ MHL - Makhachkala Makhachkala

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Monitoring Vessel in Laptop

Computer have been appliance and can not dissociating in daily activity especially in Shipping activity for monitoring of vessel and cargo.
Several computer programs have been created for use with AIS data. The AIS (Automatic Identification System) is a system used by ships and Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) principally for identification and locating vessels. AIS provides a means for ships to electronically exchange ship data including: identification, position, course, and speed, with other nearby ships and VTS stations. This information can be displayed on a screen or an ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System is a specific form of computer-based navigation information system) display. AIS is intended to assist the vessel's watchstanding officers and allow maritime authorities to track and monitor vessel movements. It works by integrating a standardized VHF transceiver system with an electronic navigation system, such as a LORAN-C (LOng RAnge Navigation Version C) or Global Positioning System receiver, and other navigational sensors on board ship (gyrocompass, rate of turn indicator, etc.).

The International Maritime Organization's (IMO) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) requires AIS to be fitted aboard international voyaging ships with gross tonnage (GT) of 300 or more tons, and all passenger ships regardless of size. It is estimated that more than 40,000 ships currently carry AIS class A equipment.

With the information available on laptop computer and can get a lot more functionality out of it. The laptop can alert you when a new ship has been found, it can alert you if you are going to be within a certain distance of a ship. You can also use NOAA's free ENC maps with the program, or make your own maps, or share the information over a local wireless network and publish it to the internet. The sky is the limit as compared to a stand-alone read-out that will be less versital and only have minimal charts if any

A laptop computer, also known as a notebook computer, is a small personal computer designed for mobile use. A laptop integrates all of the typical components of a desktop computer, including a display, a keyboard, a pointing device (a touchpad, also known as a trackpad, or a pointing stick) and a battery into a single portable unit. The rechargeable battery is charged from an AC/DC adapter and has enough capacity to power the laptop for several hours.
With the major computer manufacturers are becoming increasingly power-conscious, laptop users can now be power users. Increased competition among computer companies like Sony, Apple, HP, Dell, Toshiba, etc, has forced them to lower prices and offer greater flexibility in design and specifications of laptops. User can custom order a laptop to suit your specific needs

Laptop or Notebooks use general-purpose operating systems, either a custom version of a GNU/Linux or Windows XP Home Edition. Many advanced users can be found heavily active on Internet forums discussing the installation of their choice of operating system such as Ubuntu Notebook Remix or Windows XP Professional (now Microsoft have release new operating system Window Vista). Various notebook manufacturers are said to be catching on, and now pre-installing Ubuntu Notebook Remix. Notebooks are capable of running full office applications; however, users often rely on applications and services available on the Internet (known as cloud computing) instead, as there are usually fewer hardware requirements.

Choose the best laptop computer for your reference

Monday, October 13, 2008

Bill of Lading

Bill of Lading (BL) where a ship is not chartered wholly to one person, but the owners offer her generally to carry the goods of any Merchants who may choose to employ her, or where , if chartered to one merchants, he offers her to several sub-freighters for the conveyance of their goods, she is called a general ship. In this cases the contract entered into by and with the owners, or the Master on their behalf, is evidenced by the Bill of Lading (BL) as a contract between supplier and a carrier, it shows the party that may receive the cargo.

Bill of Lading is a document which is issued and signed by the carrier to the supplier/shipper on the goods being shipped an acknowledgment.
A Bill of Lading specifies the name of the master, the port and destination of the ship, the goods, the consignee, and the rate of freight.
The Bill of Lading should be send by supplier/Shipper to consignee/receiver for arrange to delivery the goods once arrive at destination.

"Master/Carrier" means the Transport Operator who issues this Bill of Lading (BL) and is named on the face of it and assumes liability for the performace of the transport contract as a carrier.
"Merchant" means and includes the Shipper, the Consignor, the Consignee, the Holder of this BL, the Receiver and the Owner of the Goods.
"Consignor" means the person who concludes the mulimodal transport contract with the Carrier
"Consignee" means the person entitled to receive the goods from the carrier.
"MBL (Master Bill of Lading)" means document contract issued and signed by Master of carrier transport (owner of carrier transport)
"HBL (House Bill of Lading)" means document contract issued and signed by Freight Forwarder.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Charter Party in Sea Transport

Regarding the parties that are going to carry out goods transport by sea, other than using the services from shipping companies, they can lease or charter the ship for that purpose. Ship for that leasing agreement between the ship owner and the party who leases it is called Charter Party.

A contract of affreightment, signed between the shipowner and the charterer whereby the former hires the vessel to the letter for the carriage of goods, etc., either for a period of time known as time charter or demise or bareboat charter or voyale charter.
In the demise or bareboat charter the whole management and runing expenses of the ship are automatically handed over to the charterer until the expiry date of charter.
In some charters the insurance is the owner's responsibility, in other the payment of premiums is equally shared. The charterers have a free hand as to where and how to do business, including limitation of voyage so long as they honour the contract. Charter rate is calculated on a lump sum basis or on a calender month or annual basis depending on the lenght of the charter time.
The vessel is to be returned to her owner's in the same condition as she was when delivered to the charterer's. Therefore surveys are effected on delivery and redelivery. Surveys are done before delivery and immediately after redelivery to assess any repairs which may be necessary. In time Charterers the Ship's cargo capacity is temporarily allotted to the charterers for a fixed time and committed to limited ports of call while trading. Insurance remains the responsibility of the owners . Food, stores bunkers, port expenses, etc., are to be borne by the charterers. Charter rate is calculated on a lump sum basis per month or so much per deadweight ton per calendar month.
In a voyage charter all expenses are provide and paid for by the owners unless otherwise agree upon by the parties. There are numerous code form of charterparties and each one is used in relation to the particular trade and are allocated

There are 3 kinds of Charter Party, Namely;

1. Voyage Charter is the ship leasing agreement from a port to another port for a single trip. The Expense is determined between the ship owner and the charterer. In this case the charterer acts only as shipper without being charged with other responsibilities.

2. Time Charter is the ship chartering agreement for a certain period of time
Chartering expenses are based on a number cases, including. A) Duration of charter. B) Fuel consumption. C) Size, kind and specification of chartered ship.
The above matters are being considered, because in time charter, the charterer is responsible for matters associated with load and fuel, while the ship owner is still responsible for the salary payment of the crew, ship insurance coverage and repair and service expense.

3. Bareboat Charter, also called Demise Charter is the ship charter agreement where the charterer is full responsible for the entire ship. This will bring consequences that the charterer shall provide the crew, pay the crew’s salary and bear other expenses. He shall act as if he is the ship owner. Bareboat charger shall last usually for one (1) year minimum.

This kind of Charter Party is usually carried out by the government of a State in order to fill the gap of urgent or emergency ship space, for example in war time and in order to overcome congestion at the port.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Freight Forwarder

Freight Forwarders Company is one of shipping business counterpart where they can help what the cargo owner’s needed because the shipping line is only a carrier and the term of shipment is port to port between port of loading till port of destination and they can not provide the another service.

The Freight Forwarder Company is facilitate the movement of goods in domestic or international trade by playing an intermediary role between their clients and the companies who pick up, transport, and deliver goods to their destinations and also can rule as Customs broker to help the supplier as shipper/exporter and receiver as consignee/importer to clearance the cargo.

Freight forwarders can negotiate freight rates with transport providers i.e. Shipping Line Company for considering cost, speed, and reliability, they recommend the best mode of transport to their customers. Once a plan has been approved, they work to make sure the goods are transported and delivered as agreed.

In carrying out their work, freight forwarders frequently provide associated services, such as customs services, NVOCC services, warehousing services, FCL (Full Container Load) services, cargo consolidation (LCL = Less Container Load) services, door delivery/pick up services and advice about risk management, financing, and methods of payment.

This category is for sites about the topic of freight forwarder, and for the sites of businesses whose primary business activity is freight forwarding. A subcategory named for a specific country is for sites focused primarily on shipping goods from that country to places elsewhere.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Agent, Agency and commission fee

A person or a company authorized to act on behalf of his or its principal. The appointed agent is very important as he will be the man on the spot who has to act promptly and cautiously to deal with any problems on behalf of his principal. The agent is duty bound to follow the instructions of his principal very carefully and, in many instances, he indicates on whose authority he is acting. It is also common to find under the signature ‘As Agent(s) Only’ to signify in what capacity he is signing. There are many classes of representation involving agents, some of which are: Chartering Agent/Broker, Commission Agent, Distributing Agent, Forwarding Agent, Loading Agent, Operating Agent, Owner’s Agent, Managing Owner, Master for the Owner, Ship Agents and others.

The right given by an individual or a body to another person or company to act on his or its behalf or to market or sell his or its products. An agency may be classified in three categories;
(1) Specific or Special Agency where the duties are restricted to a nominated transaction.
(2) General Agency where actions can be undertaken on behalf of the principals with a certain amount of responsibility.
(3) Universal Agency which involves the full power of attorney provided all actions will be within law.
Agency appointments are normally given on the basis of a certain period of time or indefinitely by means of a written contract or a letter of intent.
There is a wide scope in agency work such as;
(a) Representing a shipping company
(b) Contracting agreements for the booking (or stemming) of ships for dry-docking and/or repairing in the marine engineering, dry-docking field
(c) Personal representation of official matters in the absence of the principal
(d) Importation of materials and/or products

Agency fee
A remuneration allowed to an agent in a port by a shipowner for work performed during loading and/or discharging operation or any other agency work performed during the time that the vessel has entered and left the port. The agency fees vary in every port and official tariffs are invariably laid down by either the government or other authorities. There is also a very similar agency fee where the importer is allowed a certain percentage against the amount of the imported merchandise by the exporter or the manufactured or his principal. This is termed as “Commission Agency or Agency Fee”.

Commission Agent
An Agent whose method of work is to obtain orders on behalf of various clients and then consign them directly to the individuals concerned. The agent obtains his commission on a percentage against the net cost of the order.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Port and the other supported

Port as terminal for vessel discharging and loading activity.

Port as terminal is very needful for vessel stay or stop-over or transit when call for activity and many kind of vessel braked to the sea like passenger ship, fishing ship, bulk cargo ship, containers ship, tanker, battle ship etc and of cause will call to the port.

Catchword of the Shipping Business Company "VESSEL IN THE PORT IS LOST" therefore Portstay vessel at terminal is very decided that a shipping Company is success when operated of vessel, means each of vessel when arrive at port terminal should be can direct berthing at jetty, quick discharging/loading the cargoes and quick dispatch to avoid high cost incur at terminal port.
But it will be depend from port supported competence facility for berthing, discharging, loading, leaving, etc including bureaucracy with the supported instance, like:
- Port Administrator
- Harbour Master
- Custom
- Immigration
- Port Health Services
- Port Authority
- Port Securities
For fluency loading and unloading of vessel activity, the port & terminal should have to comprehensive of facilities like signal of traffic and much mooring buoy, depth sea to avoid aground of vessel once berthing, jetty, warehouse for cargoes storage when the vessels berthing for loading and unloading the goods, fuel bunker facility and water for vessels whenever necessary, electric power, large capacity of tools for loaded and unloaded the cargoes, pilot facility and tugboat for berthing or dispatching of vessel and labors.

And also shipping Company will need partnership for running of shipping business activity fluency.
The partnership Company of shipping business activity for Cargoes Vessel, that is Stevedoring Company as kindness of unloaded or loaded cargo from/to vessel, Warehousing Company for stow the goods, Shipper/Exporter as supplier the goods and Consignee/Importer as receiver the goods, Cargo Surveyor Company for surveying the goods before loaded that will need if any claim, Ship Chandler as supplying of vessel necessary, Container depot for shipment with containerize, Forwarder or Customs Broker etc.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Carriage of Goods by Sea

This act was introduced after many shipping conference were held in Brussels among various European nations interested in shipping transportation and it was finally formulated and termed as the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1924. The American Carriage of Goods by sea Act (COGSA) was passed in 1936 and is the counterpart of the 1924. It contains six sections and is subdivided into nine Articles.
The object this act is that carriers and shippers are bound by the Bill of Lading, q.v., covering both the shippers and the carriers with responsibilities and exceptions in the course of the carriage of cargo from one port to another.
Carrier definition
1. In the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1924, q.v., the word carrier is defined as the owner or the charterer or whoever enters into a contract with the shipper/s for transportation of merchandise
2. Airline or aircraft.
Carrier’s Lien as the ship-owner’s right to withhold cargo from being delivered to the consignee, q.v., as a guarantee against the collection of freight q.v., and other charges for the shipment.
Shipper: A person or company who enters into a contract with a liner conference, shipping line or shipowner for the carriage of good,.
Consignee: The receiver of the merchandise.
Liner: A cargo-carrying ship which is operated between schedule, advertised port of loading and discharge on a regular basis.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Seaport Codes (AA-AT)

SEAPORT CODES AS IATA 2002 Listed by country and code

COUNTRY CODE Name Name W/O diacritics
AD ALV - Andorra La Vella Andorra La Vella

AE ABU - Abu al Bukhoosh Abu al Bukhoosh
AE AUH - Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi
AE AJM - Ajman Ajman
AE AAN - Al Ain Al Ain
AE DHF - Al Dhafra Al Dhafra
AE RUW - Ar Ruwais Ar Ruwais
AE ARZ - Arzanah Island Arzanah Island
AE DAS - Das Island Das Island
AE DXB - Dubai Dubai
AE FAT - Fateh Terminal Fateh Terminal
AE FJR - Fujairah (Al-Fujairah) Fujairah (Al-Fujairah)
AE HAM - Hamriyah Hamriyah
AE JEA - Jebel Ali Jebel Ali
AE JED - Jebel Dhanna Jebel Dhanna
AE KLF - Khor Al Fakkan Khor Al Fakkan
AE MAS - Masfut Masfut
AE MSA - Mina Saqr Mina Saqr
AE MZD - Mina Zayed Mina Zayed
AE NHD - Minhad Minhad
AE MUB - Mubarek Terminal Mubarek Terminal
AE MBS - Mubarras Island Mubarras Island
AE FMZ - Musafa Musafa
AE PRA - Port Rashid Port Rashid
AE RKT - Ras Al Khaimah Ras Al Khaimah
AE DUY - Ras Zubbaya (Ras Dubayyah) Ras Zubbaya (Ras Dubayyah)
AE - Ruwais = Ar Ruwais Ruwais = Ar Ruwais
AE SHJ - Sharjah Sharjah
AE QIW - Umm Al Qaiwain Umm Al Qaiwain
AE ZUR - Zurku Island Zurku Island

AF BIN - Bamian Bamian
AF BST - Bost Bost
AF CCN - Chakcharan Chakcharan
AF DAZ - Darwaz Darwaz
AF FBD - Faizabad Faizabad
AF FAH - Farah Farah
AF GRG - Gardez Gardez
AF GZI - Ghazni Ghazni
AF HRT - Hairatan Hairatan
AF HEA - Herat Herat
AF JAA - Jalalabad Jalalabad
AF KBL - Kabul Kabul
AF KDH - Kandahar Kandahar
AF KHT - Khost Khost
AF KWH - Khwahan Khwahan
AF UND - Kunduz Kunduz
AF KUR - Kuran-O-Munjan Kuran-O-Munjan
AF MMZ - Maimana Maimana
AF MAS - Mashad Mashad
AF MZR - Mazar-I-Sharif Mazar-I-Sharif
AF IMZ - Nimroz Nimroz
AF LQN - Qala Nau Qala Nau
AF SBF - Sardeh Band Sardeh Band
AF SGA - Sheghnan Sheghnan
AF TQN - Taluqan Taluqan
AF TII - Tirinkot Tirinkot
AF TGH - Torghundi Torghundi
AF URN - Urgoon Urgoon
AF URZ - Uruzgan Uruzgan
AF ZAJ - Zaranj Zaranj

AG ANU - Antigua Antigua
AG BBQ - Barbuda Barbuda
AG SJO - St John's St John's

AI AXA - Anguilla Anguilla
AI BLP - Blowing Point Blowing Point
AI RBY - Road Bay Road Bay
AI FOR - The Forest The Forest
AI ROA - The Road The Road

AL DRZ - Durres Durres
AL SAR - Sarande Sarande
AL SHG - Shengjin Shengjin
AL TEN - Tenes Tenes
AL TIA - Tirana Tirana
AL VOA - Vlora Vlora

AM AHU - Akhuryan Akhuryan
AM LWN - Gyoumri Gyoumri
AM EVN - Yerevan Yerevan

AN BAR - Barcadera Barcadera
AN BON - Bonaire Bonaire
AN BUB - Bullen Bay Bullen Bay
AN BUS - Bushiribana Bushiribana
AN CRB - "Caracasbaii, Curaçao" "Caracasbaii, Curacao"
AN CUR - Curacao Curacao
AN RIN - "Dorp Rincon, Bonaire" "Dorp Rincon, Bonaire"
AN EMM - Emmastad Emmastad
AN FUI - "Fuikbaai, Curaçao" "Fuikbaai, Curacao"
AN GUS - "Gustavia, St Bartelemy" "Gustavia, St Bartelemy"
AN KRA - "Kralendijk, Bonaire" "Kralendijk, Bonaire"
AN MAR - Marigot Marigot
AN PHI - Philipsburg Philipsburg
AN SAB - Saba Is Saba Is
AN STR - "Santa Rosa, Curacao" "Santa Rosa, Curacao"
AN EUX - St Eustatius St Eustatius
AN SXM - St Maarten St Maarten
AN SMB - St Michiels Bay St Michiels Bay
AN BOT - The Bottom The Bottom
AN WIL - "Willemstad, Curaçao" "Willemstad, Curacao"

AO AZZ - Ambriz Ambriz
AO ANL - Andulo Andulo
AO BDT - Baia dos Tigres Baia dos Tigres
AO BDD - Barra do Dande Barra do Dande
AO BUG - Benguela Benguela
AO CAB - Cabinda Cabinda
AO CFF - Cafunfo Cafunfo
AO CNZ - Cangamba Cangamba
AO KNP - Capanda Capanda
AO CBT - Catumbela Catumbela
AO CAV - Cazombo Cazombo
AO PGI - Chitato Chitato
AO CTI - Cuito Cuanavale Cuito Cuanavale
AO DRC - Dirico Dirico
AO DGR - Dombe Grande Dombe Grande
AO DUE - Dundo Dundo
AO NOV - Huambo Huambo
AO JMB - Jamba Jamba
AO SVP - Kuito Kuito
AO LAA - Landana (Cacongo) Landana (Cacongo)
AO LIE - Lieura Lieura
AO LOB - Lobito Lobito
AO LAD - Luanda Luanda
AO UAL - Luau Luau
AO SDD - Lubango Lubango
AO LUC - Lucira Lucira
AO LUO - Luena Luena
AO LBZ - Lukapa Lukapa
AO GGC - Lumbala Lumbala
AO LZM - Luzamba Luzamba
AO MEG - Malange Malange
AO MLO - Malembo Malembo
AO MAL - Malongo Malongo
AO SSY - M'banza Congo M'banza Congo
AO SPP - Menongue Menongue
AO MSZ - Namibe Namibe
AO NDF - Ndalatandos Ndalatandos
AO GXG - Negage Negage
AO NGV - Ngiva Ngiva
AO Novo Redondo = Sumbe Novo Redondo = Sumbe
AO NRQ - N'Riquinha N'Riquinha
AO NZA - Nzagi Nzagi
AO ARZ - N'Zeto N'Zeto
AO VPE - Ongiva Ongiva
AO PAT - Palanca Terminal Palanca Terminal
AO PLE - Porto Alexandre (Tombua) Porto Alexandre (Tombua)
AO PBN - Porto Amboim Porto Amboim
AO San Antonio do Zaire = Soyo San Antonio do Zaire = Soyo
AO VHC - Saurimo Saurimo
AO SZA - Soyo Soyo
AO SOQ - Soyo-Quinfuquena Terminal Soyo-Quinfuquena Terminal
AO NDD - Sumbe Sumbe
AO TAK - Takula Terminal Takula Terminal
AO UGO - Uige Uige
AO CEO - Waco Kungo Waco Kungo
AO XGN - Xangongo Xangongo

AQ MCM - McMurdo McMurdo
AQ TNM - Teniente R. Marsh Teniente R. Marsh
AQ TNB - Terra Nova Terra Nova

AR ARR - Alto Rio Senguerr Alto Rio Senguerr
AR AEP - Arpt. Jorge Newbery Arpt. Jorge Newbery
AR ATU - Atucha Atucha
AR BHI - Bahia Blanca Bahia Blanca
AR CUA - Bahia Blanca-Cuatreros Bahia Blanca-Cuatreros
AR INW - Bahia Blanca-Ingeniero White Bahia Blanca-Ingeniero White
AR PBG - Bahia Blanca-Puerto Belgrano Bahia Blanca-Puerto Belgrano
AR PGV - Bahia Blanca-Puerto Galvan Bahia Blanca-Puerto Galvan
AR PNL - Bahia Blanca-Puerto Nacional Bahia Blanca-Puerto Nacional
AR PRS - Bahia Blanca-Puerto Rosales Bahia Blanca-Puerto Rosales
AR BQS - Barranqueras Barranqueras
AR BUE - Buenos Aires Buenos Aires
AR AEP - Buenos Aires-Jorge Newbury apt Buenos Aires-Jorge Newbury apt
AR EZE - Buenos Aires-Ministro Pistarini Apt Buenos Aires-Ministro Pistarini Apt
AR CLC - Caleta Cordoba Caleta Cordoba
AR CVI - Caleta Olivia Caleta Olivia
AR CMP - Campana Campana
AR CPG - Carmen de Patagones Carmen de Patagones
AR CTC - Catamarca Catamarca
AR CVH - Caviahue Caviahue
AR CRR - Ceres Ceres
AR CNT - Charata Charata
AR HOS - Chos Malal Chos Malal
AR CLX - Clorinda Clorinda
AR COL - Colon Colon
AR CCT - Colonia Catriel Colonia Catriel
AR OLN - Colonia Sarmiento Colonia Sarmiento
AR CRD - Comodoro Rivadavia Comodoro Rivadavia
AR COU - Concepcion del Uruguay Concepcion del Uruguay
AR COC - Concordia Concordia
AR COR - Cordoba Cordoba
AR CNQ - Corrientes Corrientes
AR CUA - Cuatreros/Bahia Blanca Cuatreros/Bahia Blanca
AR UZU - Curuzu Cuatia Curuzu Cuatia
AR CUT - Cutral Cutral
AR DME - Diamante Diamante
AR EHL - El Bolson El Bolson
AR EMX - El Maiten El Maiten
AR ELO - Eldorado Eldorado
AR ZAI - Embarcacion Embarcacion
AR EQS - Esquel Esquel
AR EZE - Ezeisa Apt/Buenos Aires Ezeisa Apt/Buenos Aires
AR FMA - Formosa Formosa
AR GPO - General Pico General Pico
AR GNR - General Roca General Roca
AR VGS - General Villegas General Villegas
AR GGS - Gobernador Gregores Gobernador Gregores
AR OYA - Goya Goya
AR GHU - Gualeguaychu Gualeguaychu
AR IBY - Ibicuy Ibicuy
AR IGR - Iguazu Iguazu
AR IGB - Ingeniero Jacobacci Ingeniero Jacobacci
AR INW - Ingeniero White/Bahia Blanca Ingeniero White/Bahia Blanca
AR AEP - Jorge Newbury apt/Buenos Aires Jorge Newbury apt/Buenos Aires
AR JSM - Jose de San Martin Jose de San Martin
AR JUJ - Jujuy Jujuy
AR JNI - Junin Junin
AR LCM - La Cumbre La Cumbre
AR LPG - La Plata La Plata
AR LQU - La Quiaca La Quiaca
AR IRJ - La Rioja La Rioja
AR ING - Lago Argentino Lago Argentino
AR LHS - Las Heras Las Heras
AR LLS - Las Lomitas Las Lomitas
AR XMX - Ledesma Ledesma
AR LCP - Loncopue Loncopue
AR LMD - Los Menucos Los Menucos
AR LGS - Malargue Malargue
AR MQD - Maquinchao Maquinchao
AR MDQ - Mar del Plata Mar del Plata
AR MDZ - Mendoza Mendoza
AR MDX - Mercedes Mercedes
AR EZE - Ministro Pistarini Ministro Pistarini
AR MJR - Miramar Miramar
AR MCS - Monte Caseros Monte Caseros
AR XOS - Mosconi Mosconi
AR NEC - Necochea Necochea
AR NQN - Neuquen Neuquen
AR QLV - Olivos Olivos
AR ORA - Oran Oran
AR PRA - Parana Parana
AR AOL - Paso de los Libres Paso de los Libres
AR PEH - Pehuajo Pehuajo
AR PMQ - Perito Moreno Perito Moreno
AR XMV - Pichanal Pichanal
AR PCY P - ilcomayo Pilcomayo
AR QPQ - Pinamar Pinamar
AR POC - Pocitos Pocitos
AR PSS - Posadas Posadas
AR PRQ - Pres. Roque Saenz Pena Pres. Roque Saenz Pena
AR PBG - Puerto Belgrano/Bahia Blanca Puerto Belgrano/Bahia Blanca
AR PUB - Puerto Borghi Puerto Borghi
AR PUD - Puerto Deseado Puerto Deseado
AR PGV - Puerto Galvan/Bahia Blanca Puerto Galvan/Bahia Blanca
AR PMY - Puerto Madryn Puerto Madryn
AR PNL - Puerto Nacional/Bahia Blanca Puerto Nacional/Bahia Blanca
AR PRS - Puerto Rosales/Bahia Blanca Puerto Rosales/Bahia Blanca
AR PCO - Punta Colorada Punta Colorada
AR PLO - Punta Loyola Punta Loyola
AR PQU - Punta Quilla Punta Quilla
AR QQN - Quequén Quequen
AR RAM - Ramallo Ramallo
AR RLA - Recalada Recalada
AR RCQ - Reconquista Reconquista
AR RES - Resistencia Resistencia
AR RDS - Rincon De Los Sauces Rincon De Los Sauces
AR RCU - Rio Cuarto Rio Cuarto
AR RGL - Rio Gallegos Rio Gallegos
AR RGA - Rio Grande Rio Grande
AR RHD - Rio Hondo Rio Hondo
AR ROY - Rio Mayo Rio Mayo
AR RYO - Rio Turbio Rio Turbio
AR ROS - Rosario Rosario
AR SZQ - Saenz Pena Saenz Pena
AR SLA - Salta Salta
AR SAE - San Antonio Este San Antonio Este
AR OES - San Antonio Oeste San Antonio Oeste
AR BRC - San Carlos De Bariloche San Carlos De Bariloche
AR SFE - San Fernando San Fernando
AR UAQ - San Juan San Juan
AR ULA - San Julian San Julian
AR SLO - San Lorenzo San Lorenzo
AR LUQ - San Luis San Luis
AR CPC - San Martin DeLos Andes San Martin DeLos Andes
AR SNS - San Nicolas de los Los Arroyos San Nicolas de los Los Arroyos
AR XPD - San Pedro San Pedro
AR AFA - San Rafael San Rafael
AR SSN - San Sebastian San Sebastian
AR RZA - Santa Cruz Santa Cruz
AR SFN - Santa Fe Santa Fe
AR RSA - Santa Rosa Santa Rosa
AR SST - Santa Teresita Santa Teresita
AR SDE - Santiago del Estero Santiago del Estero
AR SGV - Sierra Grande Sierra Grande
AR TDL - Tandil Tandil
AR TTG - Tartagal Tartagal
AR REL - Trelew Trelew
AR OYO - Tres Arroyos Tres Arroyos
AR TUC - Tucuman Tucuman
AR USH - Ushuaia Ushuaia
AR VCF - Valcheta Valcheta
AR VDM - Viedma Viedma
AR VCN - Villa Constitucion Villa Constitucion
AR VDR - Villa Dolores Villa Dolores
AR VLG - Villa Gesell Villa Gesell
AR VME - Villa Mercedes Villa Mercedes
AR APZ - Zapala Zapala
AR ZAE - Zarate Zarate

AS FTI - Fitiuta Fitiuta
AS OFU - Ofu Ofu
AS PPG - Pago Pago Pago Pago
AS TAV - Tau Tau

AT AMK - Altenmarkt Altenmarkt
AT ATT - Amstetten Amstetten
AT ANF - Anif Anif
AT AHN - Antiesenhofen Antiesenhofen
AT ASP - Aspern Aspern
AT BGC - Bad Gleichenberg Bad Gleichenberg
AT BKZ - Bad Kreuzen Bad Kreuzen
AT BBH - Bärnbach Barnbach
AT BNF - Berndorf Berndorf
AT BRA - Braunau Braunau
AT BRZ - Bregenz Bregenz
AT BRG - Bruck an der Glocknerstrasse Bruck an der Glocknerstrasse
AT BKL - Bruck an der Leitha Bruck an der Leitha
AT BRU - Bruck an der Mur Bruck an der Mur
AT BRL - Brückl Bruckl
AT DOR - Dornbirn Dornbirn
AT EFR - Eferding Eferding
AT EEZ - Eisenerz Eisenerz
AT ENA - Enns Enns
AT EUH - Eurenhausen Eurenhausen
AT FST - Feistritz Feistritz
AT FKT - Feldkirch-Tosters Feldkirch-Tosters
AT FLH - Ferlach Ferlach
AT FRN - Frankenmarkt Frankenmarkt
AT FLT - Frohnleiten Frohnleiten
AT FUR - Furnitz Furnitz
AT GAN - Garsten Garsten
AT GSF - Gaspoltshofen Gaspoltshofen
AT GNR - Geinberg Geinberg
AT GSD - Gleisdorf Gleisdorf
AT GRZ - Graz Graz
AT GRU - Gross St Florian Gross St Florian
AT GPF - Grosspetersdorf Grosspetersdorf
AT HAD - Haid Haid
AT HAL - Hall Hall
AT HLL - Hallein Hallein
AT HSN - Hansenhütte Hansenhutte
AT HRD - Hard Hard
AT HTA - Hartberg Hartberg
AT HME - Hausmening Hausmening
AT HMG - Hermagor Hermagor
AT HIR - Hirschegg Hirschegg
AT HST - Höchst Hochst
AT HOH - Hohenems Hohenems
AT HRH - Hörsching Horsching
AT INN - Innsbruck Innsbruck
AT JDF - Jennersdorf Jennersdorf
AT JDN - Judenburg Judenburg
AT JUN - Jungholz Jungholz
AT KDF - Kalsdorf Kalsdorf
AT KFB - Kapfenberg Kapfenberg
AT KYB - Kematen Ybbs Kematen Ybbs
AT KMG - Kemating Kemating
AT KNB - Kennelbach Kennelbach
AT KLU - Klagenfurt Klagenfurt
AT KEF - Koflach Koflach
AT KBG - Korneuburg Korneuburg
AT KDM - Kraubath an der Mur Kraubath an der Mur
AT KRE - Krems Krems
AT KMS - Kremsmünster Kremsmunster
AT KLD - Kröllendorf Krollendorf
AT KFS - Kufstein Kufstein
AT KUD - Kühnsdorf Kuhnsdorf
AT LMB - Lambach Lambach
AT LFD - Längenfeld Langenfeld
AT LUT - Lauterach Lauterach
AT LZG - Lenzing Lenzing
AT LBN - Leoben Leoben
AT LEO - Leobendorf Leobendorf
AT LEZ - Lienz Lienz
AT LZN - Liezen Liezen
AT LNZ - Linz Linz
AT LOE - Löbendorf Lobendorf
AT LCU - Lochau Lochau
AT LTN - Lustenau Lustenau
AT MDR - Mäder Mader
AT MTH - Mattighofen Mattighofen
AT MHK - Mauerkirchen Mauerkirchen
AT MEL - Melk Melk
AT MSD - Mettendorf Mettendorf
AT MCD - Micheldorf in Oberöstereich Micheldorf in Oberostereich
AT MIK - Miklauzhof Miklauzhof
AT MIT - Mittelberg Mittelberg
AT MLS - Mittersill Mittersill
AT MZZ - Muerzzuschlag Muerzzuschlag
AT NUA - Neudau Neudau
AT NTA - Neutal Neutal
AT NSL - Niedernsill Niedernsill
AT OHD - Obdach Obdach
AT OWT - Oberwart Oberwart
AT OAL - Oneal Oneal
AT PDF - Parndorf Parndorf
AT PHG - Pasching Pasching
AT PTF - Perchtolsdorf Perchtolsdorf
AT PER - Perg Perg
AT PRH - Pernhofen Pernhofen
AT POG - Poeggstall Poeggstall
AT RAB - Raab Raab
AT RBA - Raaba Raaba
AT RXG - Randegg Randegg
AT RKL - Rankweil Rankweil
AT RWL - Rekawinkel Rekawinkel
AT RIE - Ried Ried
AT RZL - Riezlern Riezlern
AT RTT - Rottenmann Rottenmann
AT SZG - Salzburg Salzburg
AT SST - Schwanenstadt Schwanenstadt
AT SCW - Schwarzach Schwarzach
AT SCZ - Schwaz Schwaz
AT SHT - Schwechat Schwechat
AT SCH - Schwertberg Schwertberg
AT SEI - Seibersdorf Seibersdorf
AT SIN - Sillian Sillian
AT SLL - Sollenau Sollenau
AT SPI - Spittal/Drau Spittal/Drau
AT ANT - St Anton St Anton
AT SJB - St Jakob Breitenau St Jakob Breitenau
AT SML - St Michael ob Bleiburg St Michael ob Bleiburg
AT SVT - St Paul St Paul
AT STP - St Pölten St Polten
AT STS - St Stefan St Stefan
AT STV - St Valentin St Valentin
AT SVG - St Veit an der Glan St Veit an der Glan
AT STA - Stainach Stainach
AT STZ - Stainz Stainz
AT SEN - Steinabrunn Steinabrunn
AT SYM - Steyermühl Steyermuhl
AT SER - Steyr Steyr
AT SAR - Stift Ardagger Stift Ardagger
AT STC - Stockerau Stockerau
AT TEL - Telfs Telfs
AT TNZ - Ternitz Ternitz
AT TOL - Thoerl Thoerl
AT TSK - Traiskirchen Traiskirchen
AT TNQ - Traun Traun
AT TBH - Treibach Treibach
AT TRW - Tribuswinkel Tribuswinkel
AT TLN - Tulln Tulln
AT UHR - Uher/Wien Uher/Wien
AT ULF - Ulmerfeld Ulmerfeld
AT UTD - Uttendorf Uttendorf
AT - Vienna = Wien Vienna = Wien
AT VDD - Vienna Danubepier Hov Vienna Danubepier Hov
AT VLH - Villach Villach
AT VTB - Voitsberg Voitsberg
AT VOE - Völs Vols
AT VOR - Vorarlberg Vorarlberg
AT WCE - Walchsee Walchsee
AT WRT - Wartberg Wartberg
AT WTN - Wattens Wattens
AT WSS - Weissenstein Weissenstein
AT WSL - Wels Wels
AT VIE - Wien Wien
AT WNF - Wiener Neudorf Wiener Neudorf
AT WNR - Wiener Neustadt Wiener Neustadt
AT WBG - Wieselburg Wieselburg
AT WMP - Wimpassing Wimpassing
AT WLR - Wolfurth Wolfurth
AT WOL - Wolpassing Wolpassing
AT WLZ - Wulzeshofen Wulzeshofen
AT ZTW - Zeltweg Zeltweg
AT ZRS - Zurs/Lech Zurs/Lech
AT ZWD - Zwentendorf Zwentendorf
AT ZWT - Zwettl Zwettl